Tuesday, April 30, 2013

birthdays and recent iphone pics

This month my mother celebrated her 48th birthday, and my friend Go-vani celebrated his 28th. So, we decided to have a little BBQ for the both of them.

My mother explaining that since it is her birthday, she can have all the dessert she wants.

Birthday bitches

Of course, Andrew had to give his famous birthday lap dances. Free of charge.

Ashley made my mother some fried zucchini. She obviously loved it.

Being lazy while everyone else cooks. Even Jovani cooked a lil. 

Ashley made my mother an avocado necklace. She refused to wear it because, "it's gonna cut my fucken neck off!" (and she wonders where i got my sailor mouth)

Introduced Ashley to the amazing invention called, the super fries. She was ashamed of how much she loved it. And yes, she finished the whole thing!

I went fishing, looking like the Unabomber. NBD.

My old Disney friend, Josh, came to visit this weekend. I hadn't seen him in years! We went to a bar in Newport. Alex and i went walking down the pier and saw a sea lion! he was cute. 

Andrew had flatfoot removal surgery. (unsuccessful, they are flatter than ever!)

Sushi date with Panda. (Still don't like sushi) 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Coco y Loco

So, this past month my sister and I have been working on a lil business together. We decided to be..... birthday clowns! I mean, we need more clowns in this world, so why not?!?! It's a little sad (or amazing) that no one is surprised by our decision. And many have said how perfect this business is for us. So, we are available for hire. Business cards are in the mail, craigslist post have been posted, twitter account had been tweeted ( @cocoylococo), this is real. Now, all we need is our first gig. We dance, we play, we sculpt balloons, we paint faces... yes, we can do it all. SO HIRE US!!! You can email us for more info : cocoyloco@yahoo.com

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Last minute weekend getaway

I haven't made a blog post in a while! I've been a little busy with a project and school. I'll post all the info on that project later. This past weekend, Alex wanted to go camp and rent some jet ski's. it was totally last minute and rushed, but it was fun. We headed up to silver lake, which was about an hour drive. It was so nice there and since the weather was only in the 70's, we pretty much had the lake to ourselves.  Here are some pics:)

We got to the campsite really late and had to set up in the dark. So we cooked some hotdogs in the dark and they were so good!!

The next morning Alex and Andrew left early to go on the jet ski's, so Ashley and I decided to do a little joga stretches.

The lake was so nice. The water was freezing and I fell in the water. Not fun. I even lost my sunglasses during the fall :(

This camping trip totally made us miss crater lake and our road trip! Hopefully we can have a mini road trip for the 4th of July.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas and resolutions

This Christmas was spent with the family. Just my parents, sugga momma, Panda and the brother and sister.  My brother, sister in law and nephew were unable to make it this year for Christmas.It was a bummer, and not as great as last year. I mean last year may have been the best Christmas ever. But, we still had fun. We decided to have my Dad dress up as Santa, even though we had no kids around.
It was a nice day having tamales and exchanging gifts. 
Every new year, I try to make the same resolution.... lose weight, be healthy. But, it seems to never stick. So this year, I decided to not really make one. Well I guess I sort of am making one. I just want to enjoy my life and be a little happier. Last year was the year of adventure and it was amazing. This year will hopefully be the year of saving money and buying a home. Alex and I are determined to save some cash and get into a home. We are a little tired of paying rent for our little apartment. So here's to being more careful with our money and starting a new life adventure.  Happy new year!!! 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Pacific North West

It's been over 6 months since our little road trip up north, and well.... I still find myself wanting to return. It's a very strange feeling that I've never experienced before. I mean, I've visited other states which I have enjoyed, but never felt the feeling I still hold for Oregon. I constantly find myself dreaming about our trip and how I oh so much wish I was back there.  I can totally see myself living up North, on a small piece of land, with an alpaca or two, and just being barefoot and living a hippie life.  I have never pictured myself living outside of Southern California, but now.... I totally want to live in Oregon.  Maybe I'm just fantasizing and being unable to separate the fact that, we were on vacation. Living life up there would not be a vacation, but it kinda would to me! Oregon was just so beautiful, the people were so nice, the weather was great (I love the rain), the pizza was AMAZING... but could I actually live there? I've talked this over with Alex many times, asking him if I'm crazy and only imagining things to be better than they really were. But, Alex totally agrees with me, which makes things worse. I just want to finish school, pack up all my belongings, and set out for a new adventure up North. Maybe I'm crazy.... well, I actually know I'm crazy. So, why not give this some serious thought? Here's some more pics of my trip up North.... isn't it beautiful?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Giving thanks and getting older

Thanksgiving was a week ago and I spent the day with my parents like I do every year. It's always at my mom's house and it's just a regular dinner, except we pig out a little more than usual. Jovani came over and had a second thanksgiving, as he does every year.
That same weekend my mom threw a little bday dinner for my 26th birthday. I usually don't like celebrating my birthday(and I still don't), but this year it seemed like I celebrated it for a whole week.  I went out with friends, had dinner with Panda and had my pozole dinner. I can't believe I'm already 26 :( it's definitely not easy getting older. 
Thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate. I promise this will be the last year. ps, can you see all my white hair?!?!?!?! 
Here's a pic of my Nina and Dad. Can you say sexual tension? 
And here are a couple of pup pics. Tankie was such a big help while I was putting up the christmas lights at my parents house. And the second pup belongs to my neighbors. Which I kidnaped. 
Happy Holidays!!!